Wednesday, July 4, 2012

HP challenge Day 4

Day 4: Least fave female character and why.

I had to think about this one for a bit.  I don’t like Professor Umbridge at all. I hate how she gives her “hem-hems” in every single sentence she speaks, (it’s also super annoying while reading the books), and how everything is pink around her. I hate how she is always saying that she needs order.

I was trying to look for the best possible reason to not like her, and I found the perfect response from theartichokeissteamed on Tumblr: “She honestly believes she is doing the right thing. Umbridge uses cruel and unusual punishment that literally leaves Harry with a scar for a stupid reason. She spies for the corrupt leader and enforces all kinds of ridiculous laws to prevent any revolutionary talk from spreading. Attempt to brainwash school-age children to believe nothing is ever wrong ever, Dumbledore is a bad influence on them, Harry’s lying, and the ministry will take care of them.  She fires teachers for personal reasons of prejudice. Going on to “inspect” the muggle-borns, call them liars and thieves, persecute them unjustly, take away their wands.”  Remind you of a famous dictator in Germany that thought a certain group of people were dogs?  

Who’s your least favorite female character?

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