Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Declaim of dating

Many of you have been asking me what I look for when I go on dates, well, here is the biggest thing:

There you go... That's the biggest thing I'm looking for, but here are some others:

  • Plan in life
  • Has a car and a job (and is working to get a "big boy job")
  • Attractive (at least to me)
  • We get a long

That's it... It's actually a small list.  I'm willing to compromise on some of these, which is saying something.  When going through dating I've ran into "no no's" in my book.  Here are some ways to correct those "wrongs":

  • When you aren't interested in someone, DON'T plan a second date and then not get back to them on about it.
  • Say what you feel, don't hint.
  • If you're not willing to make time for me, you're not worth my time.
  • Let your intentions be known
  • If you're not interested, then just say so.
That's all that I wanted to say... Feels good to get it out.

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