Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My teacher for Technology in the Classroom decided that we needed to create a blog. I’ve always told myself I’d never get a blog, but there was always a small desire in the back of my mind to get one. The assignment I’m suppose to do is put up two paragraphs of text and to put up a picture. After much consideration, I’ve decided write about something that I enjoy doing…GEOCACHING!

Many of you may ask, what is Geocaching? I once heard Geocaching de
scribed as modern-day treasure hunting where people use multi-billion dollar satellites (or a GPS) to find Tupperware containers hidden out in the forest. You can find caches anywhere throughout the world. These caches that are hidden come in many different shapes and sizes.
In this picture is my dad and I. This is one of the big caches that we found. In the big caches
you can find items that you can trade for with items that are of equal or greater value.
This picture is of my brother-in-law Christopher and I. The caches are as small as the size
of mint containers. In that case you will only be able to find a log in each one.
This is another picture of my dad and I. The caches can even come in containers that are in weird
shapes and sizes. This one for example came in the shape of a duck and was floating on a lake.
To find a cache you need to go to where you can download coordinates to caches onto your GPS. After you find the cache, you need to follow these rules/instructions that are found on the Geocaching website:

1. If you take something from the cache, leave something of equal or greater value.

2. Write about your find in the cache logbook.

3. Log your experience at

There you have it! Now you know what Geocaching is and how to do it. Geocaching is a great way to explore locations near and far. The GPS will lead you to the area of the cache, but it is up to you to find the exact location of the cache, which most of the time are cleverly hidden. Geocaching is a great activity for you and your family. Have fun and happy hunting!