Tuesday, July 31, 2012

30 Days in Reflection

First off, I want to start off with, Happy Birthday JK Rowling and Harry Potter!

Secondly, I wanna say that trying to post every day for 30 days is hard. Life gets busy and sometimes you can't be by your computer in time to post for the day.  Will I do something like this again? It all depends on if someone gives me a good enough reason to... :)

Now, time for all the Harry Potter pictures that I found that I thought were funny but I just couldn't find a good place for them:

Have a very magical day everyone! :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

HP challenge Day 30

Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you?

I think this picture sums up how I feel.  I grew up reading this series.  It got me into reading.  Harry Potter showed me that there are books out there that can appeal to anyone, if you take the chance to read.  Harry Potter taught me to never give up, and it's okay to stand out from the crowd.  I went to every movie at midnight dressed up, except for the first one.  Harry Potter is something that has affected me, and I will never forget how much of an impact it made on my life.  It really has helped add to what I have become today.  

So dear Braddy, I hope that I have shown you why I care about Harry Potter as much as I do.

With this last picture, I end my 30 day challenge:

P.S. Happy Birthday Neville!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

HP challenge Day 29

Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical?

First off, I enjoy the fact how this question automatically assumes that I have watched it. I’ve watched most of it… The parts I have watched are funny and entertaining.  Darren Criss, Who plays Harry in the play, is awesome.  He is actually one of the only reasons why I currently watch Glee.

Have you seen A Very Potter Musical, and if so, did you enjoy it?

First Act of the musical for all of you who haven't seen it.  It's worth it to watch at least this one. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

HP challenge Day 28

Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it?

When I first saw this question I had no clue what it was, and then when I heard the definition, I knew that I had listened to it before.  Harry Potter Wiki defines it as this: Wizard rock, also known as wrock (pronounced rock), is a genre of music based on the Harry Potter series started by Harry and the Potters.

So, to answer the question, I have listened to it, I find it to be quite nerdy, but it is definitely awesome for any fan to listen to and enjoy.

Have you ever listened to Wizard Wrock and what do you think of it?

Here is a wizard wrock song about wizard wrock:

Friday, July 27, 2012

HP challenge Day 27

Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand?

If I had to choose one, I would have to stick with the Invisibility Cloak.  The reason why I would not take the Resurrection Stone is that I just don’t like the idea of having the power to bring back dead people back to life… Humans aren’t meant to have that power.  I wouldn’t choose the Elder Wand because I don’t want all that power to get to me and to make me prideful… I like the idea of the Invisibility Cloak so I can get past people if I don’t have time to talk, or to play pranks.

If you could choose one of the Deathly Hallows, what would you choose?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

HP challenge Day 26

Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be?

This one took some thinking, but I decided that I would like to work the Accio charm.  For those of you who don’t know what this charm does is that it summons any object that you desire.  This could be helpful trying to find phones or keys.  There may be that time when you feel super lazy and don’t want to get up to get the remote; you can summon it to you too.

If you could work a spell without a wand, what would it be?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

HP challenge Day 25

Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna?

I think it ended great. I really wish Luna and Neville ended up with each other… they just were perfect for each other… I think I’m just a big shipper for them. 

Are you happy how the future turned out for the characters?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

HP challenge Day 24

Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t?

Honestly, they missed so much in the third movie that it just made me cringe.  The main things that they missed that I wished they added to the movie are: More scenes about the Maurders, letting the audience know that the reason Harry’s Patronus is a stag is because his dad could turn into a deer, and that James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter wrote the Maurders Map.

Other things that I wished they added were: More scenes with Fred and George, Dumbledore’s funeral, and more Quidditch, especially when Luna got to commentate.

Is there anything that they didn’t add in the movies that you wish they did?

Monday, July 23, 2012

HP challenge Day 23

Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry?

Any time anyone died, I cried.  Didn’t matter if it was in the books or the movies I cried.  Also, at the end of the 7th book and movie I cried… It was a whole realization that it was over.  I had read and watched this series ever since I was in fourth grade. It has affected me so much.  I went to every show dressed up, at midnight (with an exception of the first movie).

Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry?

(P.S. Happy Birthday Daniel Ratcliffe!)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

HP challenge Day 22

Day 22: Harry Potter or Twilight

I’ve been looking forward to this post… I love Harry Potter.  No offense Twilight, you just can’t win against Harry Potter in my eyes.

Which do you like better: Harry Potter or Twilight?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

HP challenge Day 21

Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be.

Fred, hands down… I know there was a ton of deaths in Deathly Hallows, but his death made me the saddest.. I think I related to this one the most since I have sisters that are twins. I just don’t know what I would do if one of them weren’t around anymore, or even what the other twin would do without the other.

Who would you bring back if you could?

HP challenge Day 20

(This was meant to go up yesterday... Sometimes life happens which makes it so you can't..) 


Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be?

Well, since I’ve already met four of the actors from the cast (Fred, George, Neville, and Seamus), I’d am content… Nah, I would love to meet anyone from the trio or Evanna Lynch.  All great people and meeting anyone of them would make me happy.  If I had to meet one out of those four Evanna would trump all.

If you could meet one member of the cast, who would you choose?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

HP challenge Day 19

Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films?

I prefer the books to the films. As Belle from Beauty and the Beast puts it, “It takes you to far-off places, daring swordfights and a prince in disguise.”  Books take you to a different world.  What they have that movies lack is depth of the characters that makes it so that you fall in love with them.  Also, movies can’t cover all of the cool plot points in the books.  Movies miss the feeling and description you get from the books.

 Do you prefer the books or films?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

HP challenge Day 18

Day 18: Least favorite book.

If I have to choose one, I'd probably say Order of the Phoenix...The only reason why I say this one is because Harry is grumpy all the time in this one.  I also cried a ton when Rowling killed off Sirius.

Which one of the series would be your least favorite?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

HP challenge Day 17

Day 17: Were you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice?

Just like every Harry Potter movie I was kind of scared that it wouldn’t do the book justice.  I feel that the movie did quite well at following the book, but it did help that they split the last book into two movies.  I felt that it covered every point, and the very ending scene showing them ten years later was really tender and was close to what I imagined it to be like.

What did you guys think?

Monday, July 16, 2012

HP challenge Day 16

Day 16: Favorite professor

I love Lupin! I think he was actually my first book crush.  He is good-natured, kind, and able to extract the best in everyone.

Harry Potter Wiki describes Lupin’s personality as this:

Remus was very intelligent, calm, tolerant, fair-minded, gentle and good-natured. Despite having suffered a great deal of prejudice in his life due to his lycanthropy, he managed to retain an ability to see the good in almost everybody and was extremely forgiving. He also had an excellent sense of humor, and when he was a student at school, was one of the Marauders. However, unlike his friends, he never partook in bullying, being personally against such behavior (possibly because of the prejudices he suffered as a werewolf), though he also stood by and did nothing to stop it. He hence could be described as the most mature one of the group. He even became a prefect in his fifth year. Also, unlike his friends, he was able to, or at least would try to maintain civil conversation with those he did not get along well with, a notable example being Snape.

Remus was quite perceptive, with an uncanny ability to guess the thoughts of those around him. This is especially clear in his conversations with Harry, such as his understanding that Harry thought Lupin believed him incapable of tackling a Bogart.

I hope this gives you guys a little glimpse into why I think he’s so awesome.  Who is your favorite Hogwarts professor?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

HP challenge Day 15

Day 15: Who would be your best friends at Hogwarts? (Three only)

I really think I would get along with Luna, Ginny, and Hermione.  Luna is eccentric, blunt, honest, doesn't care what others think of her, and is compassionate.  With Luna I think I would be a follower and talk with her about her dad’s Quibbler.  Ginny is forceful, nice, and independent.  She is one that I could see myself being able to talk to easily.  Hermione is diligent, hardworking, and compassionate.  The three of them have their own traits that have them stand out, but all are compassionate in some form.  They are ones that I can relate to, and so this is why I could see myself being friends with these three.

Who do you think would be your best friend at Hogwarts?